The Achiever
Assessment For: John Henderson
Phone: 555-555-5555

Report Type: General

Assessment Date: 10/1/2007



For More Information
Please Contact:

Staci Dalton
Leadership Management Inc.
4567 Lakeshore Drive    
Waco, TX  76710

Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:1
----- Mental Aptitudes -----
Mental Acuity
Mr. Applicant is low-average in Mental Acuity, indicating he is slower in his thinking, comprehension and reasoning ability than is needed for more difficult tasks. He will need to take time to make a decision or solve a more challenging problem, particularly if the situation involves data which is unfamiliar to him. Some level of supervision and thorough training will need to be available until he is proficient in the job.
Business Terms
Joe has an average understanding of business terminology obtained either on the job or in a business class.
Memory Recall
Mr. Applicant has a superior knowledge of events happening in the world around him and should be strongly aware of competitive trends, as well as the economy's affect on business.
Mr. Applicant's language skills are good and should enable him to communicate effectively with others.
Numerical Perception
Joe's superior Numerical Perception score indicates that he can process data quickly and correctly. Joe's decision-making skills are enhanced by his ability to identify critical features in his work.
Mechanical Interest
Joe is interested in machines and probably willing to devote extra time to learn the technology used at work. Please note that this aptitude measures interest, not mechanical ability.

Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
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----- Personality Structure -----
Mr. Applicant is a very energized individual who takes an active approach to job assignments and other matters. Even though he has a high drive and energy level, he could become less productive and lose his ability to concentrate due to his high degree of tension. This, in turn, could cause errors.
Joe is a very quality-minded, reliable individual with a high degree of integrity and strong ethics. He has a strong interest in providing quality service and products to customers, but is not very flexible or adaptable to change. This could cause him to experience difficulty handling multiple job demands and assignments. He tends not to be an innovative, free-thinking person who creates new ways of doing things or new uses for existing applications of products or services, but rather will be one who sticks with proven applications as much as possible. He is likely to agree to change only when he is convinced the change is necessary. Even though the company can trust him and know he will be concerned that customers' needs are being met, they cannot expect frequent, imaginative or fresh ideas from him.
Mr. Applicant may not always utilize the time or resources he has available to him to reach organizational goals and priorities as well as he should. He is able to easily adapt to deadline changes and contingencies which might arise. Since he tends to react to situations as they arise, he may not always be focused on goals or as aware of priorities as he should be. A high score in Mental Acuity may compensate for a low score in this dimension.
Joe has an interactive, sharing style of communicating and will be a good collaborator who will share his own thoughts and knowledge with others. Even though he is open and interactive and feels comfortable articulating his thoughts to people, he does not require constant contact with people to be content.
Emotional Dev
Even though Mr. Applicant has a strong sense of urgency concerning what he desires to accomplish and usually sees that tasks are completed in a timely manner, he can be a very impatient individual who expects a great deal from himself and others. When he does not reach the goals he has set for himself, even though they may have been unrealistic to begin with, he can begin to lose confidence in himself. When others do not fulfill his sometimes unrealistic expectations of their performance on the job, he can also exhibit a high level of impatience and intolerance. It should be noted that these traits will normally diminish as individuals advance in age.

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Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:3
Joe will express his opinions and effectively and professionally defend his decisions and ideas when challenged, but is also willing to consider the ideas of others. He will have the ability to influence others and direct their activities without appearing too aggressive or overbearing.
Mr. Applicant is a team player with a sense of competitiveness, but he encourages synergism. He is able to envision the whole project when working, not just the part he is playing. He has a competitive spirit, but will encourage and work towards goals which are team-oriented. Although he wants to excel, he may be reluctant to compete just to achieve his own goals and desires.
Mental Toughness
Joe is a very sensitive person who is concerned about the needs of others. He prefers working in a comfortable environment free from criticism, rejection, etc. Criticism can hurt his feelings and he may allow emotions to take over when making good business decisions.
Questioning /Probing
Joe is trusting, but also cautious. He will ask reasonable, but direct, questions to determine the motives behind a decision or action, and will probe to better analyze a situation.
Joe needs some job security and will take risks only when he is convinced that he is unlikely to make a mistake or fail. If a goal is important to him, he will be more likely to take decisive personal action in order to reach it or put forth extra effort and hours to complete the project, but he remains more easily motivated by security than achievement.

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Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
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----- Validity Scales -----
Mr. Applicant is not willing to reveal a number of his personality traits. Accuracy of the Personality Dimensions is diminished to approximately 85%. Results must be considered accordingly.

He has scored within our acceptable equivocation range.

This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience.

Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:5
Score Sheet
Mental Aptitudes
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9    
MENTAL ACUITYSlow Learn           X                  Fast Learn
BUSINESS TERMSUninformed                 X            Knowledgeable
MEMORY RECALLUnaware                          X   Aware
VOCABULARYLimited                 X            Strong
NUMERICAL PERCEPTIONImprecise                          X   Accurate
MECHANICAL INTERESTIndifferent              X               Interested
Personality Dimensions
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9    
ENERGYRestless     X                        Calm
FLEXIBILITYFlexible                       X      Rigid
ORGANIZATIONDisorganized     X                        Planful
COMMUNICATIONReserved              X               Interactive
EMOTIONAL DEVImpatient     X                        Tolerant
ASSERTIVENESSCooperative                 X            Authoritative
COMPETITIVENESSTeam Player              X               Individualist
MENTAL TOUGHNESSSensitive     X                        Tough
QUESTIONING /PROBINGTrusting                 X            Skeptical
MOTIVATIONSecurity              X               Recognition
Validity Scales
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9    
DISTORTIONFrank Answer                    X         Exaggerates
EQUIVOCATIONChoose Alter.           X                  Choose Middle

STANINE: The STANINE is a system of measurements which divides the population into nine parts.

NOTE: Areas with dots and brackets ([........]) are of primary importance with the dots and brackets reflecting the most desirable range for an individual to score in to have those characteristics. Areas without dots and brackets are secondary areas that provide additional information regarding the individual.


Scores of 1 OR 2 in any of the following dimensions:
Energy, Flexibility, Emotional Development OR Mental Toughness are areas of concern.

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Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:6

Leadership Traits Assessment
This report section evaluates Joe's traits in five key areas of leadership:
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Staffing
  • Coaching
  • Facilitating

Areas with good leadership traits are identified on the following pages as well as those where training or development would be beneficial.

Joe may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If Joe is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing leaders across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better leader. Therefore, this Leadership Traits assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good leader even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement.

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Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:7

Leadership Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

Joe has good leadership potential in the following area(s):

  • Facilitating

Joe's Training & Development Needs are:

  • Planning - learn how to better plan and organize required job functions, activities and requirements.
  • Organizing - learn how to organize and make better use of time and assets required to successfully perform the job or job requirements.
  • Staffing - learn how to make better staffing selections as well as how to train, motivate and lead others.
  • Coaching - learn how to better lead others to achieve what they are capable of as well as fulfilling the requirements of the job or job functions.

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Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
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Sales Traits Assessments

This report section evaluates Joe's traits in key areas of sales:
  • Persistence and consistency
  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
  • Ability to command respect
  • Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
  • Developing rapport
  • Identifying need or desire
  • Presenting product/service to fill prospect's needs
  • Dealing with objections
  • Closing the sale
  • Learning speed & efficiency
  • Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas

Areas with good sales traits are highlighted with traits identified in which training or development would be beneficial.

Joe may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If Joe is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing salespeople across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better salesperson. Therefore, this Sales Traits Assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good salesperson even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement.

Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
Company: Page:9

Sales Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

Joe's sales potential includes the following strength(s):

  • Persistence and Consistency
  • Ability to command respect
  • Developing Rapport
  • Identifying need or desire
  • Presenting Product/Service to fill prospect's needs
  • Dealing with objections
  • Closing the sale

Yet, further development in the following critical area(s) will be beneficial:
  • Learning speed and Efficiency
  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
  • Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
  • Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:10

    Interview Questions

    Following are the interview questions which an interviewer may choose to use in the candidate interview process.

    These interview questions are generated to establish basic traits critical for all employees.

    The interview questions that follow are for a candidate who has prior work experience. In the event the candidate does not have prior work experience, the questions may need to be modified by the interviewer to fit the situation.

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    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
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    Interview Questions for Energy

    Energy - Measurement of the individual's energy and drive as it relates to handling assignments and projects.

    Very strong
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    skill is
    Very strong
    skill is

    ProbesInterpretive Guides
    Tell me about the most frustrating situation you've been involved with in a job. How did you handle the pressure of that situation?Is the candidate aware of the problems which can be associated with stress? Does the candidate appear to thrive under pressure?
    Tell me about coping skills you have developed to control stress in your life. How did you learn these skills and how have they been effective?Does the candidate have good coping skills? Does the candidate practice specific methods of controlling stress, or are such coping skills used sporadically? Did the candidate fidget and move around a lot during the interview?
    Describe for me what steps you take to meet a deadline which initially seems impossible to meet.Are the steps the candidate takes to meet deadlines logical and consistent? Is the candidate able to handle the pressure of deadlines appropriately?
    In your prior job, how much time did you spend behind a desk versus time you moved around? Do you prefer to work at a desk, or do you prefer a job where you can get up and move around frequently? Why?Will the degree of mobility the candidate desires be available in this position? Does it appear the candidate can handle a mixture of both stationary tasks and action-oriented tasks? Will the candidate be allowed to move around in this job, even if the job is handled from behind a desk?

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
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    Interview Questions for Flexibility

    Flexibility - Measurement of the individual's level of flexibility, creativity, integrity and adaptability to change.

    Very strong
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    skill is
    Very strong
    skill is

    ProbesInterpretive Guides
    Tell me about a time you found yourself in a set of circumstances in which you had to make a decision on a matter with no guidelines or precedents to follow. Describe the circumstances and how you dealt with them.Did the candidate exhibit good judgment in his or her decision-making? Was the decision based on facts or emotions? Did the final decision exhibit good leadership skills?
    Tell me about a time in a previous job when your employer or supervisor asked you to do something unethical. How did you handle the matter?Did the candidate take a firm stand on personal values and principles? Did the candidate take appropriate, mature action? Did the candidate exhibit good judgment in the method in which he or she handled the situation? Was there any indecision on the part of the candidate?
    Describe how you handled an assignment which you were expected to complete on an expedient basis with little or no direction. Did the candidate become anxious without specific guidelines to follow? Does the candidate exhibit the ability to make decisions independently? Did the candidate show indecisiveness or was the candidate hesitant to act on his or her own?
    Give me an example of a time you were given an impossible deadline to meet on a project. What steps did you take to resolve the problem?Did the candidate meet the deadline in an appropriate manner? If the candidate cut corners to achieve the deadline, did the actions he or she took show sound, good judgment? Does it appear the candidate can make decisions or take quick action in crisis situations?

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:13
    Interview Questions for Organization

    Organization - Measurement of the individual's desire to organize assignments and projects to better utilize time and resources.

    Very strong
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    not present
    skill is
    skill is
    Very strong
    skill is

    ProbesInterpretive Guides
    Tell me about a time you missed a deadline, were late for a meeting or experienced other problems because you did not plan well enough in advance.Was the candidate on time for this interview? If not, was the excuse justifiable? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience he or she described in this first question?
    Describe how you typically kept yourself organized, and prioritized tasks in your former position. Did you use any planning tools to help keep yourself organized and if so, what were they?Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes to stay organized? Does the candidate appear to understand how to prioritize tasks? Does the candidate use planning tools to help stay organized, i.e., a daily planner, computerized schedule, etc?
    Tell me about a time, in a previous job, when your ability to "wing it" saved a project from failure. What would the outcome have been had you not been able to improvise?Has the candidate been able to capitalize on his or her ability to improvise? Does the candidate appear to understand the importance of planning, yet also have the ability to be flexible and change plans, when necessary? Does it appear the candidate takes pride in his or her ability to "change horses in mid-stream?" Is the candidate sharp enough to keep priorities in his or her head without losing sight of them?
    Describe your office or work area in your former job. Was everything neatly put in place, or did you tend to function better in chaotic surroundings?Is the candidate fairly tidy, or does the candidate thrive on chaos and disarray? How important is tidiness in this position? Will others come into or see the candidate's office or work area, or is it secluded?

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:14

    Development Suggestions

    The behavior of each individual is influenced by genetics, biochemistry and environment. The individual's scores related in this assessment depict the individual as of the date and time the individual took the assessment.

    Major changes in biochemistry and/or environment can change the scores on the assessment. Effective training and/or development that the individual is exposed to can and should also affect scores.

    Consequently, for those individuals who seek to achieve higher levels of productivity and success in their jobs and life, and for those employers who desire such for the people they employ, we have carefully reviewed the training and development materials available in the marketplace and have selected for recommendation those that we deem appropriate to suggest in areas where the person assessed could benefit most from growth and development.

    We trust that you will find these suggestions helpful.

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:15
    Personal Development Suggestions


    If your work requires interaction with others, your flexibility level may be affecting those relationships. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:

    Seminars / Workshops:

    • Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International

    Self-paced e-Learning:
    • Models for Management eModule 6 – Empowerment should be of particular interest for those wanting to explore how flexibility or lack thereof relates to the empowerment of others and power dynamics.

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:16
    Personal Development Suggestions


    When working with others, your organizational preferences level may be affecting how effectively you work them. You may benefit from the following development suggestions.

    Self-paced e-Learning:
    • Effective Personal Productivity – Module 1 – The Nature of Productivity.
    • Effective Personal Productivity – Module 2 – Goals Achievement Through Time Management

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.
    Name:John HendersonDate:10/1/2007
    Company: Page:17
    Personal Development Suggestions

    Emotional Development

    When working with others, your ego level may impact your relationships and your success in achieving desired results with them. You may benefit from the following development suggestions:

    Seminars / Workshops:

    • Models for Management ™ by Teleometrics International

    Self-paced e-Learning:
    • Empowering the Team – Module 5 – Effective Personal Productivity
    • Effective Personal Productivity – Improving Production of the Team – Module 6

    Copyright© 1999-2008 Candidate Resources, Inc.