The Online Performance Appraisal system gives an employer the ability to customize the Performance Appraisal process to reflect the organization's needs. The Online Performance Appraisal an easy to use template for tailoring each Appraisal to the core values of the organization as well as the key objectives and competencies required for each position. No more cookie cutter performance reviews. The Online Performance Appraisal provides a customized, objective tool for evaluating employee performance.

The Online Performance Appraisal System provides the following functionality:

  1. Creation of Performance Appraisal Templates - Each employer receives unique access codes enabling levels of access to the Online Performance Appraisal system as determined by the employer. Each employer may create unlimited Performance Appraisal Templates unique to each job category. Each Performance Appraisal Template is stored for future use.
  2. When creating a Performance Appraisal Template online, creators may choose from four optional sections to include in the template:

    • Contribution to achievement of the Organization's Core Values
    • Contribution to achievement of the Organization's Objectives
    • Achievement of the critical functions of the job
    • Up to 16 of the most common competencies used by organizations in America

    When an optional section is chosen, the creator then enters the data for that section as it pertains to their organization and the respective job category in the organization. Once a template is created, a ranking mechanism is automatically activated for each section of the template that provides a numerical scale for rating employee performance as well as text boxes to allow input of specific comments relative to each rating.

  3. Using The Performance Appraisal Templates
  4. Once the template for a job category is created, the employer enters the names of the employees in that job category to be appraised, the projected date of the appraisal, the appraiser's name and ability to notify by email the appraiser of the need for the appraisal to be completed on or before the scheduled date and that the Performance Appraisal template is ready for their use. As an option, an employee to be appraised may also be emailed the appraisal template for their job to complete as a self-appraisal prior to meeting with their supervisor to discuss the appraisal results. In the appraisal meeting between supervisor and employee, both discuss the appraisal(s) and develop the Performance Development goals that may be added to the appraisal to produce the final appraisal report. Completed Performance Appraisals may be emailed for approval at higher levels if desired.


    The Online Performance Appraisal system is designed to work in conjunction with the Achiever Assessment system. Many employers use the Achiever Assessment in both the selection and Performance Development process making it a natural fit to include the Achiever Assessment results in the Performance Appraisal process. The Achiever Assessment allows an employee to go online, answer questions about the requirements of their job, and then complete the Achiever assessment. The Achiever provides an objective comparison of the employee's aptitudes and behaviors to the job requirements.

    When supervisors have access to this totally independent and objective assessment of the employee to the requirements of the job, it is much easier for the supervisor and employee to establish areas of development. Additionally, the Achiever Assessment provides development suggestions that can be incorporated into the Performance Development goals of the Performance Appraisal report. This objective assessment of the employee relative to the requirements of the job, when combined with the job specific Performance Appraisal, provides the best approach possible to achieve the organization's Performance Management Objectives.


    The Online Performance Appraisal system maintains data on employees who have been appraised or yet to be appraised, facilitating searches by name or job category. And, since each appraisal includes an overall appraisal score, employers can mine this data when making job promotions or succession planning. Additionally, the system retains an employee's appraisals over a period of time making it easier to validate the employee's performance improvement through successively improved appraisal scores.


    Each employer's Performance Appraisal System is housed on a secure server farm incorporating real-time backup capability. The system is operative 24 hours a day 7 days each week with toll free live support for users available 8:00 AM -5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday. All data is secure through standardized internet security protocols and is the sole and exclusive property of the employer.